Fantastic game. That's the first time I buy a VN, I usually just wait for them to be pirated and posted on F95 but this one really deserves all the praise and support it can get. Love the femdom routes so far.
Hi dev,you always makes polls about asking more dominant or submissive content adding right? And mostly get submissive asking votes and ask why? Because you made this mc a typical looser type i mean even if u showcase him as alpha his looser nerd type looks will make it look stupid and disappointed,why making a character this looser? He is type of guy we never wants to see a girl near to and this is supposed mc of an avn,you know even in NTR avn mc or bf/husband of female mc looks better than this guy,story is okay way too text,and exploring all kinks is understandable,but what's the deal with all of these whatever the fuck mc touche gets destroyed,i could see clearly out of 7,6 relationship are never going to workout and mc would possibly destroy every existing possible relationship with his shitty attitude,he needs backbone bit he is typical looser,can't expect him to become something good even with attributes or all time acting as a man he will remain same idiot.
Kudos also for the integration of real chess into an adult game. Maybe chess itself has become a fetish after Queen's Gambit. ;-) The chess games are great, probably too good to have been invented by the game author. (Also, I recognized some of the combination motifs, if not the full games, but I don't remember the original players and events.) Therefore I even watched the credits until the end, but they were not mentioned. I know there's no legal requirement because chess games aren't copyrightable in most legislations; but imho, the games quoted in NIF are true works of creativity and art, so it would only be fair to reference their authors (=original players). Can you do that in the next version, please, or in your answer here? @mrsilverlust
"Nothing is Forever" has become one of my adult game favorites, A well-written story, believeable character developments both of the MC and the NPCs, a slow but never boring pace, meaningful choices and innovative game mechanics. And a variety of kinks to explore (or to avoid).
Steam release planned at any point? would love to buy the full version of the game as my way of supporting you, I just don't buy stuff on itch, as I like to keep a consolidated library. Either way, great job Dev!
Yes, it'll be released on Steam. I'm not yet sure when though, but I probably don't want to release it there in yearly access, just the full game. But nothing is set in stone for now.
Once it's there, I'm planning to give anyone that bought the game here on itch a steam key so they can get everything in one library if they so which. I think that's common practice and should be relatively easy to setup.
What 3 questions would you ask the "spirits" at the end of chapter 4?
1) If I kill everyone on Earth and I love being by myself, did I just create my own heaven and spit in the face of god?
2) if I spend my whole life trying to do good and I'm punished for my efforts with sorrow and pain and broken dreams, what what the point of that life? Even if you're thinking it's to inspire others to try their best, those "inspired" people would see I failed and not feel very inspired.
3) If i die a virgin and am still being mocked about it even in on my deathbed, what does that say about the maturity of humanity?
There's a scene where you daydream a sexy imp speaking meta and asking you questions about where you're headed in your life and in the game. Are you gonna just daydream about Mel who's long gone and obsess over porn with no drama? Or are you gonna pick a girl you have a crush on and follow thru with bravery and willpower? I get the social commentary here but what would happen if you gave up and just focused on Mel daydreams the whole game and porn? For that matter it would be nice to romance Jen and have the option to come clean about it, quit your job and tell the whole truth about what happened with you and Mel. Maybe that is not on the table because it would instantly end the game. But consider this, wouldn't that realistically be the best choice especially in a game that isn't harem and is about real choices. If that is the final chapter's choice, I get that. Fine. But I feel like some problems in the drama could be resolved by now. Especially with how accepting and caring the MC's friends are. Edit... It is even more a issue with me when I consider you only have one chance to tell Pete about Kim. After that you either sub to her or stay out of it. I didn't tell pete and Jaime because I didn't have proof and didn't know for sure if what I saw was real. The MC is an unreliable narrator after all. But once she revealed it I wanted an option to simply tell Pete or take a pic or record the conversation. Anything... On the other hand I wonder if pretending to be her ally is the only way to get proof that she is evil or at least sociopathic and selfish.
Does there always have to be a Dom and sub in these relationships? I'm getting the feeling that if there is one that totally neutral it would only be Bri. As far as I can tell each character has a color to their name that hints at what they're like. Kinda like the voices in the MC's head. With the demon or jack o'lantern being chaos and extremes or maybe even evil. Kim is a snake, hands down. Jaime is a Lion. Carl is a Kitten. Deb is a mix of kitten and lion. Bri and Lea are eagles. Emma is a Lion. Pete is a kitten mixed with eagle. Jen is a kitten mixed with snake but in a nice way. And Olivia is a snake but in a focus on fun not selfishness. All of that is where my head was after the first two chapters. But now I'm not so sure. I'm gonna bite the bullet and just finish chapter 4 and stop brooding over it. But I was trying very hard to predict where each relationship would go and find the one that is most mutual and neutral. But it honestly feels like there always has to be a lead. But at least rarely is that lead cruel about it. At least if you're the lead as the MC you can be nicer about it.
hi i just started the game just wondering, i tried getting all of the "manly" points as possible yet still wasnt able to develop the man handle skill up to the first emma kink point. was there a part i missed or something i did wrong?
Yes, you missed something. On the top left corner, there's a menu called 'Skills'. You need to open it and buy the skills you want with the points you have got from your choices.
Only after you buy the skills you can unlock the lewd scenes. Each lewd scene will require different skills.
Bri is implied in the hints in the game to be Adventurous. That digi-volves into kinkster. What does that mean? I've never heard the term "kinkster" and the description seems vague. Adventurous seems to just be trying new things until you know what you like. So I get that. But is kinkster implying if you fully romance Bri she will literally like all kinks?
And second question, Emma fights for women rights and is a psychiatrist like the MC. But hints in her hints page imply ownership and sexism from men turn her on... What? Is she a fraud? Or is it like that episode of Futurama where a neat freak pencil pusher secretly had a kink for a person being a slob. Is the taboo of having sex with what she hates all she's into? What is the rationale for that? I keep considering dating her but I don't like manhandle and hate-banging. I keep waiting for her to be at least a gentle femdom or idolization fetish kink. But all I see from her is stuff that seems to imply closet self loathing or more conflict. I don't wanna argue to Emma, I wanna get along with her.
I'm sorry if I'm being a bother. But I keep thinking about this game and the parallels between the main characters depression and my own.
The main character believes all kinks and fetishes should be accepted. I understand being open-minded is good. But how you can accept some things that go against who you are? For me BDSM, cheating, gore porn, beastiality, and other super hardcore stuff just disgust me. And my sister accused me of being a baby. Not saying those things are things I should like. But that because I was too scared to leave my comfort zone and always stick to just romance and sweetness that it closed doors on any relationships outside of highschool.
I've been accused of being boring and approaching relationships like a Disney movie character. But to me I feel like I reduce myself to a panting lowly animal if I just ignore my sexual hang-up. And act on lust, comfort zone be damned.
I don't know what to do to find woman that would be sync up with me. Even in the game I tried to focus on Bri, Lea, and Jen the most. Seeking to just have romance and happy regular sex. But my sister and "friends" say that doesn't maintain an adult relationship. Being wild, sneaking around, spicing things up does. But that's not who I am.
(Slight spoilers)
I'm not even into exhibition but I liked Lea so I endured it to make sure she knew I was interested. I didn't like Deb that much but I figure when she showed kindness that her domme moment would be gentle and loving and not full of insults. I'm still unhappy I played out that one. It wasn't as bad as it could be. But it didn't feel right. Bri I never got past friends. And Jen I let her know I love her but refused to have sex with to keep from ruining her and the main character's life. We just cuddled. And with Kim it was the final straw. No way I could go full Snake for that. I got no beef with Pete to justify that.
What I'm asking is, do you think I've wasted 15 yrs of my life thinking being loving and compassion would trump my laundry list of sexual hang-ups? Hang-ups that run so deep I can't even bring myself to explore them in a game without feeling uncomfortable.
I'm sure my sister just likes to argue and challenge me because she doesn't like me focusing on trying to be good all the time. I think she just wants everyone to see the grays in the black and white of life. But im the guy who never plays the villain story route in games. I like sex and romance. But I don't need it to be too hardcore. But then again I'm virgin and 37 years old, so sometimes feel like I'm the one who doesn't get how the real world works. I just had to ask someone. And I think the guy who made this game is a student of psychology. So I thought he'd understand. Thanks for the support.
This is just a lewd game where I want to pass the message that it is okay to like whatever weird kink we might have. And if one’s kink is romance, cuddles and happy sex, without any “wild” thing added there, that’s absolutely okay. In fact, the majority of people are into that, and also don’t like all the other more kinky stuff.
I hear you. I am going to work on myself. I'm going back to working out and trying to be positive. My sister isn't married but I don't think she ever wants to be. Ultimately I think what she says from from petty sibling rivalry. A one-sided one at that. Vanilla stuff like romance and tenderness aren't kink shamed often but the world has really changed. All the time songs are being made that are celebrating wilder stuff. Like painplay and sexual cruelty. People are more into that stuff now, on some level, because anything vanilla is considered boring. Like say kissing, basic sex, and cuddling after. People don't really see you as being open-minded if that's where you stop. Because they see all the hardcore stuff as more brave and exciting.
I'm sure lot of those people have a good time but I'm not gonna fake it. I honestly just can't pretend I like most of what is on the list of fetishes and kinks in the game. Some I'm okay with, some I love, and plenty I hate. I just hope Lea, Bri, and Jen don't get too odd with their desires or I'm gonna have no one to romance. Lol for the most part I feel like if I was in the game I would drawn to them. The 3 of them combined sum up my personality. Working all the time, trying to accomplish something, lots of body shaming done to me ruining my self image and chances with relationships. And ultimately me become mad at other people's who are in relationships and ruin them just for drama or boredom. Culminating with me being alone for over 15 years.
Some girls are just at different stage in their relationship with the MC. It’s just difficult to give them all the same screen time and attention, while still progressing the main story forward.
So, yes, Bri’s first scene only happens at chapter 4, but she (or all the other girls the page banner) will be fully romanceable. I know it’s a bit annoying when our favorite characters don’t get the screen time we’d like to, but, sooner or later, all of them will have their time in the spotlight.
oh okay, as long as I didn't miss the chance. It's fine. I like her but I'm okay with being patient with her. Im trying to be patient with Jen too. Because I like a lot of characters but there's no way can romance them all. So I'm taking my time and trying to figure out who I will finish the game with and fully get in a relationship with. I like Jen, Bri and Lea. But I don't wanna cheat on them.
I liked Kim when I first met her because she looked like Ada Wong. Was that on purpose, designing her to look that way?
Did anyone romance her? I Just don't see that ending well. I feel like you alienate your friends and she would be only person around at the end. Jen and Jamie would def hate you if you did. Pete too.
The music when you're talking with to Jen in her hotel room, that retro style lounge music love song, was hauntingly beautiful. I love it to death. Is the Jen's theme song?
It made me question my life more than I have in years.
After so much rejection, I just gave up on love. I thought that part of me was dead. The dialogue is meta. And I'm not gonna lie, some kinks sicken me (like Kim and Emma's). But other are the kind of romances that make you wanna quit being a shrink and just run away with your lover.
But maybe it's time to finally try again, get in shape and try to do something right.
Mr. Silverlust, Respect. Seriously, you made a game that is more than just mindless porn. It's a social commentary.
Hi, this is really an awesome game, I'm a really big fan of your work. I've really enjoyed playing the free episodes but I think it won't be free anymore. I'm from Turkey, and the country is in economic crisis right now; 15$ equals to 260 TL right now, which isn't something I can afford. Is there anyway I can keep playing the game? I'm very invested in the story.
I have a question about Jen. After the chess game and you can lay in bed with her, if I choose not to dominate her and go through tell her the MC is a sub too will that lead to her not wanting to being in a relationship with the MC or will it lead to her cucking the MC or will she learn to be a dom?
All of those options are on the table and will be further explored in chapter 4, which will be released on itch in a few days (it was released yesterday on Patreon).
I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be different outcomes dependent on your choices on chapter4. The only thing I'll say is that you don't need to be dominant with Jen to have a relationship with her.
This is a uniquely drawn game with, what I would call, "the voices inside our head", element that separates this from all other games. For me, it struck me as funny to see some of the same thoughts I myself have had in my life, to be on screen. I liked it very much and hope to see more from this developer. Good luck.
I need help there is a glitch where the game keeps back scrolling when ever I open the game and load a save. Even if start a new save game it still keeps back scrolling.
Hmm... sounds like something is broken or corrupted in the game files. Try download it again. Renpy saves are located elsewhere in your drive, so you’ll still have them if you make a new download.
You don't need to touch your saves files. But, if you want to know where they are saved, check this info.
As for the game files are located where you download them. Just try do delete that folder and make the download again from this page.
You can even just download the game again from this page and try to start it from the freshly downloaded folder that shouldn't have any corrupted files.
I’m not sure if that will work. But that’s a functionality handled by the game engine, that’s why I think something in the files must have gotten broken somehow. Especially because it worked well previously for you, and now you can’t even start a new game.
PS: Another issue could be the “rollback side” option. Go to the options screen and check if you have that turned on. When it’s on, if you click at the very right, or left side of the screen (depending on which side is selected), the game will rollback. But not if you click at the center of the screen or use the space bar. I don’t think this is the issue, but you can quickly check that.
Did you get the “sweetness” skill just a bit earlier, as a bonus for having chosen Lea as your crush?
There is a bug that makes it so the “sweetness” skill acquired that way does not “work” in a very small percentage of saves. I already have a fix that should make it work 100% of the time, that will be in next update (just making sure I didn’t screw up anything else).
For now, can you please load a slightly older save, and get the “sweetness” skill the normal way ? You just have to buy the "sweetness" skill from the Menu like all the others, before you pick the same choice that would give it for free (but pick that choice anyway, it's important for the story and it'll give you your 20 pts back)
That should solve the problem. Sorry for the inconvenient.
(If you don’t have an older save: in the Load Menu, you can look in the “A” tab where the autsaves are. Since those two choices are close together, you may have one auto save there that suits you. You can also load one autosave that’s closer to that choice and try to rollback to it)
PS: I’m assuming the problem is that you got the "sweetness" skill for free because you have chosen Lea as your crush. If you haven’t, please let me know, because that would mean it’s an entirely new bug unknown to me. Thanks.
Great game, greater system. I really enjoy how a lot of the girls have set kinks but multiple ways to unlock their scenes. It rewards player choices while maintaining a sense of agency in the characters.
Sad that Emma doesn't show up more in episode 2, but all the girls are great.
What happens if I tell Pete about the situation his girlfriend is after I call out to her and continue? Do I lose like a bunch of trust with every character and so on? And also what happens if I avoid her and then proceed to tell him (if possible havn't tried yet) will she figure it out and still proceed to blackmail me? Only asking because "Bros before hoes" '-'
First of all: Congratulations, what an experience.
I'm so sad having a crush on Deb but our kinks don't match. Still enjoying being her friend.
One thing i didn't enjoy was how the social behavior is coupled with the kinks. When playing without the colors on choices i'm swimming in blue points but there's barely a thing i want from that tree.
Finally: Congratulations again, one of the best AVN i have played.
What a wonderful experience so far. I absolutely love the main character and his story. The skill tree and choices in the game are also top notch! Thank you for all your hard work.
i finished the scene with deb and carl and the game pretty much ended. i tried doing another playthrough where i said no to them, and it ended with me texting emma i miss you and then it says "end of chapt 2, save here" and then the credits roll. what outcomes have i missed? id like to see all the outcomes that can happen by the end of chapter 2.
Is it possible that you're playing an older version of the game that you have downloaded previously? In the main menu, which version number does it show? 0.2.3?
You need to download the version 0.3.2 (which contains chapter 3), unzip, and open the nif.exe file inside of that folder.
Don't use any older folder/executable for previous versions. Also, check the main menu to confirm that you are indeed playing the version 0.3.2.
Your save files will carry over to the new version.
Let me know if the problem is something else and which version you are playing. Thanks.
Can you please tell me the platform you're using (PC, mac, linux, android)? And please check if you didn't download the wrong version, or if the download finish properly and it wasn't corrupted.
Also, if you are on PC, can you check if you have a 32 or 64 architecture software? The pc version is not compatible with 32 bit.
The android version might not work if your phone has too little space or memory available.
Other than this, I'd need more details from you to try to help. I believe it's not a problem with the game because no one else is reporting that problem.
I just fishined Cap 1 and, wow, i was waiting some visual novel 3d ok with hot girls and pow pow BUT wtf i really like the dialogue, scenes and how they are theyselfs, i make a disaster with emma dont understanding her kink, and hear she say those words, although littles, they hurt me, i dont are the man who make full of everyone rotes but, this game, i need do this.
There are a couple of times in the 2nd chapter where it says limp and I think it should be limb. It's in the scene at the university just after the one with Carl and Deb.
I know... unfortunately that silly mistake wasn’t caught by the spellcheck.
I have an english native speaker friend that helps me proofread the scripts in his free time, but he hasn’t yet finish the last chapter’s script, which is quite big.
So, this chapter might have more mistakes than the previous 2, like that “limp” one. Once he finishes it. I´ll post a small hotfix that corrects everything and also improves the readablility of many sentences and makes them feel more natural. He really does an awesome job on that.
Thanks for the notice, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I'm glad you're loving the story though :)
I'm wanting to install this on a raspberry pi. I've downloaded the file and there is just a Windows exe. What's the process for installing on Linux?
I don’t have a linux OS to have tested this before, but the Renpy engine automatically builds distributions that should work on Linux.
Inside the folder you downloaded you’ll see a file named Try to double click it and see if it runs. If not…
You need to mark the file as executable.
(Note: if you don’t know how to do it: This may be slightly different depending on your Linux distribution, desktop environment and language. Right-click the file, select Properties -> Permissions -> mark as executable)
Then go to the "lib" directory and open the adequate Linux directory (linux-i686 or linux-x86_64) and look for a file named nif (without any extention). Mark this file as executable too.
(Note: If you don't know which Linux directory is right for you, do the same thing for the nif file inside both of the directories)
Try double clicking again in the file.
Did it work?
If not, try to run in through the terminal. I have found here a 10 min youtube tutorial explaining how to do it with another renpy game (it also shows and explains all of the steps above). Just try to do the same steps for this game that has a executable.
I hope this helped.
If you still can’t make it to work, I’m afraid I can’t help more than this. Sorry.
this is great. It’s not a wank-a-thon, but rather stimulates the intellectual and emotional sectors of the brain. It’s still sensual yet not overtly sexual—it stimulates through anticipation and longing, which can be so much better than mere wank material. MrSilverLust has done a great job, and lööking forward to more.
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Fantastic game. That's the first time I buy a VN, I usually just wait for them to be pirated and posted on F95 but this one really deserves all the praise and support it can get. Love the femdom routes so far.
Fantastic game, I really like the depth of the characters and the realism of the various topics brought up during the story. Applauds!
Hi dev,you always makes polls about asking more dominant or submissive content adding right? And mostly get submissive asking votes and ask why? Because you made this mc a typical looser type i mean even if u showcase him as alpha his looser nerd type looks will make it look stupid and disappointed,why making a character this looser? He is type of guy we never wants to see a girl near to and this is supposed mc of an avn,you know even in NTR avn mc or bf/husband of female mc looks better than this guy,story is okay way too text,and exploring all kinks is understandable,but what's the deal with all of these whatever the fuck mc touche gets destroyed,i could see clearly out of 7,6 relationship are never going to workout and mc would possibly destroy every existing possible relationship with his shitty attitude,he needs backbone bit he is typical looser,can't expect him to become something good even with attributes or all time acting as a man he will remain same idiot.
Kudos also for the integration of real chess into an adult game. Maybe chess itself has become a fetish after Queen's Gambit. ;-) The chess games are great, probably too good to have been invented by the game author. (Also, I recognized some of the combination motifs, if not the full games, but I don't remember the original players and events.) Therefore I even watched the credits until the end, but they were not mentioned. I know there's no legal requirement because chess games aren't copyrightable in most legislations; but imho, the games quoted in NIF are true works of creativity and art, so it would only be fair to reference their authors (=original players). Can you do that in the next version, please, or in your answer here? @mrsilverlust
Good point, for whatever reason I didn’t think about including them in the credits, but I agree that it’d be nice to do it in future updates.
In the meantime, I did write an open post about all the chess games featured so far in "Nothing is Forever", if you want to have a look.
Perfect, thank you! That's what I was looking for.
Chess: "I get my kicks *above* the waistline, sunshine!"
"Nothing is Forever" has become one of my adult game favorites, A well-written story, believeable character developments both of the MC and the NPCs, a slow but never boring pace, meaningful choices and innovative game mechanics. And a variety of kinks to explore (or to avoid).
Anal sex?
Not yet, but there will be in future chapters.
Steam release planned at any point? would love to buy the full version of the game as my way of supporting you, I just don't buy stuff on itch, as I like to keep a consolidated library. Either way, great job Dev!
Yes, it'll be released on Steam. I'm not yet sure when though, but I probably don't want to release it there in yearly access, just the full game. But nothing is set in stone for now.
Once it's there, I'm planning to give anyone that bought the game here on itch a steam key so they can get everything in one library if they so which. I think that's common practice and should be relatively easy to setup.
Thanks for the kind words. Cheers!
Oh! if thats true then I will probably just buy it here then. Yours would be the first game I buy on itch.
Spoiler Question for fun:
What 3 questions would you ask the "spirits" at the end of chapter 4?
1) If I kill everyone on Earth and I love being by myself, did I just create my own heaven and spit in the face of god?
2) if I spend my whole life trying to do good and I'm punished for my efforts with sorrow and pain and broken dreams, what what the point of that life? Even if you're thinking it's to inspire others to try their best, those "inspired" people would see I failed and not feel very inspired.
3) If i die a virgin and am still being mocked about it even in on my deathbed, what does that say about the maturity of humanity?
4) what are Alex's measurements.
I feel like the way they dress and the housings look like California.
But this all takes place in Europe, right?
Spoiler question:
There's a scene where you daydream a sexy imp speaking meta and asking you questions about where you're headed in your life and in the game. Are you gonna just daydream about Mel who's long gone and obsess over porn with no drama? Or are you gonna pick a girl you have a crush on and follow thru with bravery and willpower? I get the social commentary here but what would happen if you gave up and just focused on Mel daydreams the whole game and porn? For that matter it would be nice to romance Jen and have the option to come clean about it, quit your job and tell the whole truth about what happened with you and Mel. Maybe that is not on the table because it would instantly end the game. But consider this, wouldn't that realistically be the best choice especially in a game that isn't harem and is about real choices. If that is the final chapter's choice, I get that. Fine. But I feel like some problems in the drama could be resolved by now. Especially with how accepting and caring the MC's friends are. Edit... It is even more a issue with me when I consider you only have one chance to tell Pete about Kim. After that you either sub to her or stay out of it. I didn't tell pete and Jaime because I didn't have proof and didn't know for sure if what I saw was real. The MC is an unreliable narrator after all. But once she revealed it I wanted an option to simply tell Pete or take a pic or record the conversation. Anything... On the other hand I wonder if pretending to be her ally is the only way to get proof that she is evil or at least sociopathic and selfish.
Does there always have to be a Dom and sub in these relationships? I'm getting the feeling that if there is one that totally neutral it would only be Bri. As far as I can tell each character has a color to their name that hints at what they're like. Kinda like the voices in the MC's head. With the demon or jack o'lantern being chaos and extremes or maybe even evil. Kim is a snake, hands down. Jaime is a Lion. Carl is a Kitten. Deb is a mix of kitten and lion. Bri and Lea are eagles. Emma is a Lion. Pete is a kitten mixed with eagle. Jen is a kitten mixed with snake but in a nice way. And Olivia is a snake but in a focus on fun not selfishness. All of that is where my head was after the first two chapters. But now I'm not so sure. I'm gonna bite the bullet and just finish chapter 4 and stop brooding over it. But I was trying very hard to predict where each relationship would go and find the one that is most mutual and neutral. But it honestly feels like there always has to be a lead. But at least rarely is that lead cruel about it. At least if you're the lead as the MC you can be nicer about it.
hi i just started the game just wondering, i tried getting all of the "manly" points as possible yet still wasnt able to develop the man handle skill up to the first emma kink point. was there a part i missed or something i did wrong?
Yes, you missed something. On the top left corner, there's a menu called 'Skills'. You need to open it and buy the skills you want with the points you have got from your choices.
Only after you buy the skills you can unlock the lewd scenes. Each lewd scene will require different skills.
I got some questions before I finish part 4:
Bri is implied in the hints in the game to be Adventurous. That digi-volves into kinkster. What does that mean? I've never heard the term "kinkster" and the description seems vague. Adventurous seems to just be trying new things until you know what you like. So I get that. But is kinkster implying if you fully romance Bri she will literally like all kinks?
And second question, Emma fights for women rights and is a psychiatrist like the MC. But hints in her hints page imply ownership and sexism from men turn her on... What? Is she a fraud? Or is it like that episode of Futurama where a neat freak pencil pusher secretly had a kink for a person being a slob. Is the taboo of having sex with what she hates all she's into? What is the rationale for that? I keep considering dating her but I don't like manhandle and hate-banging. I keep waiting for her to be at least a gentle femdom or idolization fetish kink. But all I see from her is stuff that seems to imply closet self loathing or more conflict. I don't wanna argue to Emma, I wanna get along with her.
I'm sorry if I'm being a bother. But I keep thinking about this game and the parallels between the main characters depression and my own.
The main character believes all kinks and fetishes should be accepted. I understand being open-minded is good. But how you can accept some things that go against who you are? For me BDSM, cheating, gore porn, beastiality, and other super hardcore stuff just disgust me. And my sister accused me of being a baby. Not saying those things are things I should like. But that because I was too scared to leave my comfort zone and always stick to just romance and sweetness that it closed doors on any relationships outside of highschool.
I've been accused of being boring and approaching relationships like a Disney movie character. But to me I feel like I reduce myself to a panting lowly animal if I just ignore my sexual hang-up. And act on lust, comfort zone be damned.
I don't know what to do to find woman that would be sync up with me. Even in the game I tried to focus on Bri, Lea, and Jen the most. Seeking to just have romance and happy regular sex. But my sister and "friends" say that doesn't maintain an adult relationship. Being wild, sneaking around, spicing things up does. But that's not who I am.
(Slight spoilers)
I'm not even into exhibition but I liked Lea so I endured it to make sure she knew I was interested. I didn't like Deb that much but I figure when she showed kindness that her domme moment would be gentle and loving and not full of insults. I'm still unhappy I played out that one. It wasn't as bad as it could be. But it didn't feel right. Bri I never got past friends. And Jen I let her know I love her but refused to have sex with to keep from ruining her and the main character's life. We just cuddled. And with Kim it was the final straw. No way I could go full Snake for that. I got no beef with Pete to justify that.
What I'm asking is, do you think I've wasted 15 yrs of my life thinking being loving and compassion would trump my laundry list of sexual hang-ups? Hang-ups that run so deep I can't even bring myself to explore them in a game without feeling uncomfortable.
I'm sure my sister just likes to argue and challenge me because she doesn't like me focusing on trying to be good all the time. I think she just wants everyone to see the grays in the black and white of life. But im the guy who never plays the villain story route in games. I like sex and romance. But I don't need it to be too hardcore. But then again I'm virgin and 37 years old, so sometimes feel like I'm the one who doesn't get how the real world works. I just had to ask someone. And I think the guy who made this game is a student of psychology. So I thought he'd understand. Thanks for the support.
This is just a lewd game where I want to pass the message that it is okay to like whatever weird kink we might have. And if one’s kink is romance, cuddles and happy sex, without any “wild” thing added there, that’s absolutely okay. In fact, the majority of people are into that, and also don’t like all the other more kinky stuff.
Okay. Alright then.
I just had to get it off my chest man. I don't hate kinks, I just don't go far with mine.
Sometimes it's hard to not brood over your love life.
I hear you. I am going to work on myself. I'm going back to working out and trying to be positive. My sister isn't married but I don't think she ever wants to be. Ultimately I think what she says from from petty sibling rivalry. A one-sided one at that. Vanilla stuff like romance and tenderness aren't kink shamed often but the world has really changed. All the time songs are being made that are celebrating wilder stuff. Like painplay and sexual cruelty. People are more into that stuff now, on some level, because anything vanilla is considered boring. Like say kissing, basic sex, and cuddling after. People don't really see you as being open-minded if that's where you stop. Because they see all the hardcore stuff as more brave and exciting.
I'm sure lot of those people have a good time but I'm not gonna fake it. I honestly just can't pretend I like most of what is on the list of fetishes and kinks in the game. Some I'm okay with, some I love, and plenty I hate. I just hope Lea, Bri, and Jen don't get too odd with their desires or I'm gonna have no one to romance. Lol for the most part I feel like if I was in the game I would drawn to them. The 3 of them combined sum up my personality. Working all the time, trying to accomplish something, lots of body shaming done to me ruining my self image and chances with relationships. And ultimately me become mad at other people's who are in relationships and ruin them just for drama or boredom. Culminating with me being alone for over 15 years.
But at least I haven't given up.
I played up to the start of ch4 and never could figure out if I did something wrong with Bri.
Never could romance her. She was always a good bud. But not a lover. Is she just not a love interest yet until later on?
Some girls are just at different stage in their relationship with the MC. It’s just difficult to give them all the same screen time and attention, while still progressing the main story forward.
So, yes, Bri’s first scene only happens at chapter 4, but she (or all the other girls the page banner) will be fully romanceable. I know it’s a bit annoying when our favorite characters don’t get the screen time we’d like to, but, sooner or later, all of them will have their time in the spotlight.
oh okay, as long as I didn't miss the chance. It's fine. I like her but I'm okay with being patient with her. Im trying to be patient with Jen too. Because I like a lot of characters but there's no way can romance them all. So I'm taking my time and trying to figure out who I will finish the game with and fully get in a relationship with. I like Jen, Bri and Lea. But I don't wanna cheat on them.
I liked Kim when I first met her because she looked like Ada Wong. Was that on purpose, designing her to look that way?
Did anyone romance her? I Just don't see that ending well. I feel like you alienate your friends and she would be only person around at the end. Jen and Jamie would def hate you if you did. Pete too.
The music when you're talking with to Jen in her hotel room, that retro style lounge music love song, was hauntingly beautiful. I love it to death. Is the Jen's theme song?
Each character has several songs that are used in their scenes. And yes, that one is one of Jen's theme songs.
That song is so good. Heartbreaking and still beautiful.
I didn't hate Emma but since I didn't like the idea of "hate banging" her, but what little I heard of it, it was a good rock song.
This game is a love/hate relationship.
It made me question my life more than I have in years.
After so much rejection, I just gave up on love. I thought that part of me was dead. The dialogue is meta. And I'm not gonna lie, some kinks sicken me (like Kim and Emma's). But other are the kind of romances that make you wanna quit being a shrink and just run away with your lover.
But maybe it's time to finally try again, get in shape and try to do something right.
Mr. Silverlust, Respect. Seriously, you made a game that is more than just mindless porn. It's a social commentary.
Hi, this is really an awesome game, I'm a really big fan of your work. I've really enjoyed playing the free episodes but I think it won't be free anymore. I'm from Turkey, and the country is in economic crisis right now; 15$ equals to 260 TL right now, which isn't something I can afford. Is there anyway I can keep playing the game? I'm very invested in the story.
good game till the druges come in
There's just one scene where three friends smoke weed.
I wasn't into that either.
I have a question about Jen. After the chess game and you can lay in bed with her, if I choose not to dominate her and go through tell her the MC is a sub too will that lead to her not wanting to being in a relationship with the MC or will it lead to her cucking the MC or will she learn to be a dom?
All of those options are on the table and will be further explored in chapter 4, which will be released on itch in a few days (it was released yesterday on Patreon).
I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be different outcomes dependent on your choices on chapter4. The only thing I'll say is that you don't need to be dominant with Jen to have a relationship with her.
Thank you very much for replying.
This is a uniquely drawn game with, what I would call, "the voices inside our head", element that separates this from all other games. For me, it struck me as funny to see some of the same thoughts I myself have had in my life, to be on screen. I liked it very much and hope to see more from this developer. Good luck.
Personally I saw myself as Sensitive and Honorable. But eeven then some of the dialogue of Snake and Lion was funny.
I need help there is a glitch where the game keeps back scrolling when ever I open the game and load a save. Even if start a new save game it still keeps back scrolling.
Hmm... sounds like something is broken or corrupted in the game files. Try download it again. Renpy saves are located elsewhere in your drive, so you’ll still have them if you make a new download.
where would the files be located?
You don't need to touch your saves files. But, if you want to know where they are saved, check this info.
As for the game files are located where you download them. Just try do delete that folder and make the download again from this page.
You can even just download the game again from this page and try to start it from the freshly downloaded folder that shouldn't have any corrupted files.
I’m not sure if that will work. But that’s a functionality handled by the game engine, that’s why I think something in the files must have gotten broken somehow. Especially because it worked well previously for you, and now you can’t even start a new game.
PS: Another issue could be the “rollback side” option. Go to the options screen and check if you have that turned on. When it’s on, if you click at the very right, or left side of the screen (depending on which side is selected), the game will rollback. But not if you click at the center of the screen or use the space bar. I don’t think this is the issue, but you can quickly check that.
Thank you it worked! I have been loving playing your game.
In a situation with Lea it requires bodywriting and sweetness skill to require option 1 i have both still can't choose it why?
Did you get the “sweetness” skill just a bit earlier, as a bonus for having chosen Lea as your crush?
There is a bug that makes it so the “sweetness” skill acquired that way does not “work” in a very small percentage of saves. I already have a fix that should make it work 100% of the time, that will be in next update (just making sure I didn’t screw up anything else).
For now, can you please load a slightly older save, and get the “sweetness” skill the normal way ? You just have to buy the "sweetness" skill from the Menu like all the others, before you pick the same choice that would give it for free (but pick that choice anyway, it's important for the story and it'll give you your 20 pts back)
That should solve the problem. Sorry for the inconvenient.
(If you don’t have an older save: in the Load Menu, you can look in the “A” tab where the autsaves are. Since those two choices are close together, you may have one auto save there that suits you. You can also load one autosave that’s closer to that choice and try to rollback to it)
PS: I’m assuming the problem is that you got the "sweetness" skill for free because you have chosen Lea as your crush. If you haven’t, please let me know, because that would mean it’s an entirely new bug unknown to me. Thanks.
Great game, greater system. I really enjoy how a lot of the girls have set kinks but multiple ways to unlock their scenes. It rewards player choices while maintaining a sense of agency in the characters.
Sad that Emma doesn't show up more in episode 2, but all the girls are great.
What happens if I tell Pete about the situation his girlfriend is after I call out to her and continue? Do I lose like a bunch of trust with every character and so on? And also what happens if I avoid her and then proceed to tell him (if possible havn't tried yet) will she figure it out and still proceed to blackmail me? Only asking because "Bros before hoes" '-'
How come you can't pursue anything with Emma? I pick her as a crush and everything and after the coffee meeting they both say they have no feelings?
I havn't tried and don't know if you have but one of the options to stop her from leaving at the party might do something but IDK
First of all: Congratulations, what an experience.
I'm so sad having a crush on Deb but our kinks don't match. Still enjoying being her friend.
One thing i didn't enjoy was how the social behavior is coupled with the kinks. When playing without the colors on choices i'm swimming in blue points but there's barely a thing i want from that tree.
Finally: Congratulations again, one of the best AVN i have played.
Good game 👍. Love the different options. I hope the choices make more and more of a difference.
What a wonderful experience so far. I absolutely love the main character and his story. The skill tree and choices in the game are also top notch! Thank you for all your hard work.
hey mr silverlust,
i finished the scene with deb and carl and the game pretty much ended. i tried doing another playthrough where i said no to them, and it ended with me texting emma i miss you and then it says "end of chapt 2, save here" and then the credits roll. what outcomes have i missed? id like to see all the outcomes that can happen by the end of chapter 2.
Is it possible that you're playing an older version of the game that you have downloaded previously? In the main menu, which version number does it show? 0.2.3?
You need to download the version 0.3.2 (which contains chapter 3), unzip, and open the nif.exe file inside of that folder.
Don't use any older folder/executable for previous versions. Also, check the main menu to confirm that you are indeed playing the version 0.3.2.
Your save files will carry over to the new version.
Let me know if the problem is something else and which version you are playing. Thanks.
game literally doesn't run
can't even open it
Can you please tell me the platform you're using (PC, mac, linux, android)? And please check if you didn't download the wrong version, or if the download finish properly and it wasn't corrupted.
Also, if you are on PC, can you check if you have a 32 or 64 architecture software? The pc version is not compatible with 32 bit.
The android version might not work if your phone has too little space or memory available.
Other than this, I'd need more details from you to try to help. I believe it's not a problem with the game because no one else is reporting that problem.
Sorry for the troubles.
My Gah.
I just fishined Cap 1 and, wow, i was waiting some visual novel 3d ok with hot girls and pow pow BUT wtf i really like the dialogue, scenes and how they are theyselfs, i make a disaster with emma dont understanding her kink, and hear she say those words, although littles, they hurt me, i dont are the man who make full of everyone rotes but, this game, i need do this.
💪////Love this Game ////💪
Loving the story.
There are a couple of times in the 2nd chapter where it says limp and I think it should be limb. It's in the scene at the university just after the one with Carl and Deb.
I know... unfortunately that silly mistake wasn’t caught by the spellcheck.
I have an english native speaker friend that helps me proofread the scripts in his free time, but he hasn’t yet finish the last chapter’s script, which is quite big.
So, this chapter might have more mistakes than the previous 2, like that “limp” one. Once he finishes it. I´ll post a small hotfix that corrects everything and also improves the readablility of many sentences and makes them feel more natural. He really does an awesome job on that.
Thanks for the notice, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I'm glad you're loving the story though :)
I'd love to see a full walkthrough for this game, all choices, all possible outcomes
Really enjoying the game. Got stuck in the rest room after the chess tournament.
I can't get beyond this room, nothing seems to be interactive. I can't move only look around.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Just found your previous message to turn off the shading effect to skip this scene. All good now.
How does the update system work? as soon as a version comes out the previous one is free?
note: this game is very promising, congratulations to the creator
Thank you for the kind words.
At the latest, chapter 3 will be available for free when chapter 4 is released. But I might even make it free a bit before that.
When that happens I'll make a devlog post. So, anyone following the game should be immediately notified. Cheers.
I'm wanting to install this on a raspberry pi. I've downloaded the file and there is just a Windows exe. What's the process for installing on Linux?
Okay, this is a first.
I don’t have a linux OS to have tested this before, but the Renpy engine automatically builds distributions that should work on Linux.
Inside the folder you downloaded you’ll see a file named Try to double click it and see if it runs. If not…
You need to mark the file as executable.
(Note: if you don’t know how to do it: This may be slightly different depending on your Linux distribution, desktop environment and language. Right-click the file, select Properties -> Permissions -> mark as executable)
Then go to the "lib" directory and open the adequate Linux directory (linux-i686 or linux-x86_64) and look for a file named nif (without any extention). Mark this file as executable too.
(Note: If you don't know which Linux directory is right for you, do the same thing for the nif file inside both of the directories)
Try double clicking again in the file.
Did it work?
If not, try to run in through the terminal. I have found here a 10 min youtube tutorial explaining how to do it with another renpy game (it also shows and explains all of the steps above). Just try to do the same steps for this game that has a executable.
I hope this helped.
If you still can’t make it to work, I’m afraid I can’t help more than this. Sorry.
Thanks for the super quick reply. I've got it working but had to do a few extra bits as a Raspberry Pi isn't a standard Linux.
I downloaded the lastest Ren'Py SDK ( and unzipped it.
I downloaded the Raspberry Pi support file (from the same link). Copied it into the SDK folder and unzipped it.
Then I copied the unzipped NIF folder into the SDK folder.
When running the file NIF now appears as a project and can be launched.
All seems to be working now
Good to know!
Usually it’s the Linux people that teach me how things work. I’m glad that this time was not an exception :p
this is great. It’s not a wank-a-thon, but rather stimulates the intellectual and emotional sectors of the brain. It’s still sensual yet not overtly sexual—it stimulates through anticipation and longing, which can be so much better than mere wank material. MrSilverLust has done a great job, and lööking forward to more.